MDWIX Dictionary is a digital vocabulary. MDWIX Academy is committed to incorporate new words everyday.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Zeal-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Zeal-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences? 

Zeal is a noun that means "great energy or enthusiasm" in pursuit of a cause or an objective. It comes from the late Middle English word zele, which was derived from ecclesiastical Latin zelus and Greek zēlos. Some synonyms of zeal are passion, zealousness, ardour, love, and fervour. Some antonyms of zeal are apathy, indifference.

Zeal can be used to describe someone's fervent commitment to a religious or political cause, such as missionary zeal or reforming zeal . Zeal can also be used to describe someone's intense interest or eagerness in doing something, such as a zeal for money-making or a zeal to finish a work on time .

Example Sentence: Here are some example sentences using the word zeal:

- His zeal for privatization made him unpopular with some of his colleagues.

- Laura brought a missionary zeal to her work as a teacher in a remote village.

- In his zeal to get his work finished on time, he made a lot of mistakes.

- She showed her zeal for learning by reading every book in the library.

- Zeal is often used in a religious sense, meaning devotion to God or another religious cause, like being a missionary.

- He had a zeal for justice that inspired many people to join his movement.


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Zealous-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Zealous-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences?

Zealous is an adjective that describes someone who is enthusiastic and eager about something, especially a political or religious cause. The word comes from a medieval Latin derivative of Latin zelus, which means "zeal, jealousy".

Synonym: Some synonyms of zealous are fervent, ardent, fervid, fiery, and passionate. 

Antonym: Some antonyms are apathetic, indifferent, and lukewarm. 

Example Sentence: Here are some example sentences using zealous:

- She was a zealous advocate for human rights and social justice.

- He was too zealous in his attempts to impress his boss and ended up annoying him instead.

- The zealous missionaries traveled to remote villages to spread their faith.

- The fans were zealous in their support of the team and cheered loudly throughout the game.

- The police were accused of being overzealous in their use of force against the protesters.

Zealous is a word that can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on the context and the perspective of the speaker or writer. It can imply dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm, but it can also suggest fanaticism, intolerance, and extremism. Therefore, it is important to use the word carefully and appropriately in different situations.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Zentle-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Zentle-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences?

Zentle is a word that is derived from the adjective gentle, which means calm, kind, or soft. The word gentle has a long history and can be traced back to Latin and Proto-Indo-European roots. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning, parts of speech, etymology, synonyms, antonyms and example sentences of Zentle.

Meaning: Zentle is a noun that refers to a person who is gentle or has a gentle personality. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is gentle or related to gentleness.

Parts of speech: Zentle can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it can be singular or plural (Zentles). As an adjective, it can modify a noun or a pronoun.

Zentle is a word that was coined by adding the letter Z to the beginning of the word gentle. The word gentle comes from the Old French gentil / jentil, which means "high-born, noble, of good family; courageous, valiant; fine, good, fair" . The Old French word was derived from the Latin gentilis, which means "of the same family or clan; of noble or good birth" . The Latin word was derived from the word gens (genitive gentis), which means "race, clan" . The word gens comes from the root of gignere, which means "beget" . The root gignere comes from the Proto-Indo-European root *gene-, which means "to give birth, beget" .

Synonyms: Some synonyms of Zentle are:

- Kind

- Soft

- Tender

- Mild

- Peaceful

- Serene

- Tranquil

- Compassionate

- Genteel

Antonyms: Some antonyms of Zentle are:

- Harsh

- Rough

- Violent

- Severe

- Strong

- Aggressive

- Turbulent

- Disturbed

- Cruel

- Coarse

Example sentences: Here are some example sentences using Zentle:

- He is a Zentle who always helps others in need.

- She has a Zentle smile that makes everyone feel welcome.

- The Zentle breeze caressed his face as he walked along the beach.

- They live in a Zentle village where everyone knows each other.

- He prefers Zentle music over loud and noisy genres.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Workmanship-Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Workmanship-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences?

Workmanship: A Comprehensive Guide.

Meaning: What is workmanship? Workmanship is "the degree of skill with which a product is made or a job done". It can also refer to "the art or skill of a workman" or "the quality imparted to a thing in the process of making". Workmanship is a noun that can be used to describe both the process and the outcome of a craft or an activity.

Etymology: The word workmanship comes from the Middle English word werkman, which means "a worker" or "a craftsman". The suffix -ship denotes "the quality, condition, or skill of" something. Therefore, workmanship literally means "the quality or skill of a worker".

Workmanship can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on the level of skill and care involved in the production. For example, we can praise a vase for its exquisite workmanship, meaning that it was made with great artistry and craftsmanship. On the other hand, we can criticize a motorway for its poor workmanship, meaning that it was built with low-quality materials and careless execution.

Synonym: Some synonyms for workmanship are craftsmanship, artistry, craft, art, and artisanship. These words emphasize the creative and aesthetic aspects of workmanship, as well as the mastery and expertise of the worker.

Antonym: Some antonyms for workmanship are clumsiness, ineptitude, incompetence, and amateurishness. These words imply a lack of skill, knowledge, or experience in the work.

Example Sentence: Here are some example sentences using the word workmanship:

- The carpenter took pride in his workmanship and always delivered high-quality furniture to his customers.

- The painting showed remarkable workmanship, with intricate details and vivid colors.

- The contractor was sued for faulty workmanship after the roof collapsed during a storm.

- The museum displayed various examples of ancient workmanship, such as pottery, jewelry, and sculptures.

- The teacher praised the students for their excellent workmanship on their projects.

Workmanship is an important concept in many fields and industries, such as engineering, manufacturing, construction, design, art, and education. It reflects the standards and expectations of quality and performance that are applied to products and services. It also reveals the values and ethics of the workers and their respect for their craft and their customers.


Monday, June 26, 2023

Wonderful-Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Wonderful-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences?

Wonderful is a word that we use to describe something that is extremely good, admirable, or marvelous. It can also express surprise, astonishment, or admiration. But what does wonderful really mean? Where does it come from? And how can we use it in different contexts? In this blog post, we will explore the meaning, origin, synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences of the word wonderful.

Meaning: Wonderful is an adjective that means "inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration". It can also mean "extremely good; marvelous". For example:

- They all think she's wonderful.

- The climate was wonderful all the year round.

Wonderful can also express wonder or amazement. For example:

- "Did you know that Daryl's getting married?" "No, I didn't. How wonderful!"

- We had a wonderful time in Italy last summer.

- He's a wonderful cook.

- She did a wonderful job.

Etymology: The word wonderful comes from the late Old English word wunderfull, which means "full of wonder". It is composed of the word wonder, which means "a feeling of surprise and admiration caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or inexplicable", and the suffix -ful, which means "full of" or "characterized by". The word wonder itself comes from the Old English word wundor, which is related to the German word Wunder and the Dutch word wonder. The word wonderful has been used since before the 12th century.

Synonyms: There are many synonyms of wonderful that can be used to express similar meanings. Some of them are:

- amazing

- astonishing

- astounding

- awesome

- fabulous

- fantastic

- glorious

- incredible

- magnificent

- marvelous

- prodigious

- splendid

- stupendous

- sublime

- superb

- terrific

- tremendous

- wondrous

Antonyms: There are also some antonyms of wonderful that can be used to express opposite meanings. Some of them are:

- awful

- dreadful

- horrible

- terrible

- atrocious

- abominable

- appalling

- disgusting

- horrendous

- loathsome

- miserable

- repulsive

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences of wonderful in different contexts:

- You have a wonderful sense of humor.

- It's a wonderful feeling to be in love.

- She has a wonderful voice and sings beautifully.

- He gave me a wonderful gift for my birthday.

- It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from the experts.

- What a wonderful idea!

- That's a wonderful story.

- You look wonderful today.


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Workman-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Workman-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Workman is a noun that refers to a person who does manual or industrial labor. The word comes from the Old English weorcman, which means "one who works". Some synonyms of workman are laborer, craftsman, artisan, and mechanic. Some antonyms of workman are idler, slacker, loafer, and shirker. 

Here are some example sentences using the word workman:

- The workman was skilled at repairing cars and motorcycles.

- She admired the workman's dedication and diligence.

- He hired a workman to fix the leaky roof.

- The workman complained about the low wages and poor conditions.

Workman can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is done in a skillful or efficient manner. For example:

- He gave a workmanlike performance on the stage.

- The report was workmanlike but lacked creativity.

- She appreciated his workmanlike attitude and professionalism.

- The painting was workmanlike but not very original.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Youthful-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Youthful-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences?

Youthful is an adjective that describes someone or something that has the qualities of being young, such as energy, freshness, or vigor. 

Etymology: The word youthful comes from the Old English word geoguðlic, which means "of or belonging to youth".

Synonyms: Some synonyms of youthful are juvenile, adolescent, immature, and childish.

Antonyms: Some antonyms of youthful are old, aged, mature, and adult.

Example Sentences: 

Here are some example sentences using the word youthful:

- She admired his youthful enthusiasm and optimism.

- He still had a youthful appearance despite his age.

- The movie appealed to a youthful audience with its fast-paced action and humor.

- He was accused of being too youthful and inexperienced for the job.

- She tried to hide her wrinkles with makeup and youthful clothes.


Friday, June 23, 2023

Zero-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Zero-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences. 

Zero is a word that can be used as a noun, an adjective, a verb or a pronoun. It has different meanings depending on the context and the usage. In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of this word and provide some examples of how it can be used in sentences.

Meaning: As a noun, zero means the number or symbol 0, which represents nothing or the absence of quantity. It can also mean the lowest point or degree of something, such as temperature or quality. As an adjective, zero means having no value or amount; being nothing or nil. It can also mean having no chance or possibility of success or survival. As a verb, zero means to adjust or set something to zero; to make something equal to nothing. It can also mean to aim or direct something at a target. As a pronoun, zero means no one or nothing.

Etymology: The word zero comes from the French zéro, which in turn comes from the Italian zero. The Italian word was derived from the Arabic ṣifr, meaning "empty" or "nothing". The Arabic word was originally borrowed from the Sanskrit śūnya, meaning "void" or "empty".

Synonyms: Some synonyms of zero are:

- Noun: nil, nothing, naught, cipher, goose egg

- Adjective: null, void, empty, blank, nonexistent

- Verb: nullify, cancel, erase, wipe out

- Pronoun: none, nobody

Antonyms: Some antonyms of zero are:

- Noun: one, something, anything

- Adjective: full, positive, existent

- Verb: create, add

- Pronoun: all, everyone

Example Sentences: Here are some example sentences using zero in different ways:

- Noun: The temperature dropped below zero last night.

- Adjective: He has zero interest in politics.

- Verb: You need to zero your rifle before shooting.

- Pronoun: Zero of them showed up for the meeting.

Wondrous-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Wondrous-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Wondrous: A Word of Wonder.

Have you ever encountered something so amazing that you were filled with awe and admiration? Have you ever witnessed a sight so beautiful that it took your breath away? Have you ever experienced a moment so extraordinary that it seemed like magic? If you have, then you have felt the meaning of the word wondrous.

Parts of Speech: Wondrous is an adjective that means "inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight". It can also be used as an adverb to mean "marvellously". Wondrous is derived from the word wonder, which means "a feeling of surprise and admiration caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or inexplicable". Wonder can also be used as a noun to refer to "a person or thing that causes such a feeling".

The word wondrous has been in use since the late 15th century. It is an alteration of the obsolete word wonders, which was the genitive form of wonder. Wonders was used as an adjective and an adverb to mean "wonderful" or "wonderfully". Wondrous was formed on the pattern of marvellous, another adjective that means "causing great wonder".

Synonyms: Some synonyms of wondrous are marvellous, magnificent, superb, glorious, sublime, fantastic, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, awful, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning and stupendous. 

Antonyms: Some antonyms of wondrous are awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible, atrocious, abominable, appalling and horrendous.

Here are some example sentences using the word wondrous:

- She gazed at the wondrous sight of the northern lights.

- He performed a wondrous feat of strength and courage.

- The book was full of wondrous tales and adventures.

- She sang with a wondrous voice that enchanted everyone.

- He had a wondrous ability to make people laugh.

- The wondrous city was full of history and culture.

- She is grown wondrous pretty since I last saw her.

- He felt a wondrous joy in his heart.

Wondrous is a word that can express our admiration and appreciation for the beauty and mystery of life. It can also inspire us to seek out new experiences and discoveries that can fill us with wonder. Wondrous is a word of wonder.


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Zest-Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Zest-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms,
Antonyms and Example Sentences. 

Zest is a word that can be used in different contexts and has
multiple meanings. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning, parts of
speech, synonyms, antonyms, etymology and example sentences of zest.

 Meaning: Zest can mean invigorating or keen excitement or
enjoyment, added interest, flavor, or charm, or enthusiasm, eagerness, energy,
and interest . In psychology, zest is a dynamic strength related to physical
and psychological wellness, and it means approaching life with excitement and
energy. Zest can also mean the skin of an orange, lemon, or lime, used to add
flavor to food.

Parts of speech: Zest can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun,
it refers to the quality or state of being zestful or the peel of a citrus
fruit. As a verb, it means to scrape off the peel of a citrus fruit or to give
zest or relish to something.

Synonyms: Some synonyms of zest are:

- Noun: zing, pizzazz, gusto, liveliness, vitality

- Verb: flavor, season, spice

Antonyms: Some antonyms of zest are:

- Noun: dullness, boredom, apathy, lethargy

- Verb: bland

Etymology: Zest comes from the French zeste and the Greek zesti
meaning warmth. It was borrowed into English in the 17th century from the
French word meaning an orange or lemon peel.

Example sentences: Here are some example sentences using zest:

- She has a zest for life and a quick intellect.

- He added some lemon zest to the cake batter for extra flavor.

- She zested the orange and sprinkled it over the salad.

- He lost his zest for winning after he retired from professional

- The recording captures the zest of this live concert


Friday, June 16, 2023

Essence-what is word meaning, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, etymology & example sentences.

Essence-word meaning, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, etymology & example sentences.


Parts of speech:

Essence is a *noun*, which means it is a word that names a person, place, concept, or object¹. Nouns can be subjects or objects of sentences, such as "The essence of love is unselfishness" or "She captured the essence of the landscape in her painting".


 Some words that have similar meanings to essence are: nature, core, soul, substance, quiddity, quintessence, etc.


 Some words that have opposite meanings to essence are: abstract, exterior, outside, top, etc.


The word essence comes from the Middle English word *essencia*, which in turn comes from the Latin word *essentia*, meaning "being" or "existence". This word derives from the Latin verb *esse*, meaning "to be" or "to exist".

Example sentences:

  - The essence of his argument was that the government should invest more in education.

  - She used rose essence to flavor the cake.

  - He was the essence of punctuality; he never arrived late for anything.

  - The book explores the essence of human nature and morality.

  - The perfume had a subtle essence of jasmine and vanilla.