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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Whore-word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences.

Whore-what is word Meaning, Parts of speech, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Example Sentences?

Whore is a word that has different meanings and connotations depending on the context and the speaker. It can be used as a noun or a verb, and it can be offensive or neutral. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning, parts of speech, etymology, synonyms, antonyms and example sentences of whore.

Meaning: As a noun, whore can mean a prostitute, a person who is willing to do anything to get a particular thing, a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships . As a verb, whore can mean to work as a prostitute, to use the services of prostitutes, to debase oneself by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money .

Parts of speech: Whore can be used as both a countable noun and an intransitive or transitive verb . As a noun, it can be singular or plural (whores), and it can be modified by adjectives (e.g., cheap whore, publicity whore). As a verb, it can have different tenses (e.g., whored, whoring) and objects (e.g., whore oneself, whore after money).

Etymology: Whore comes from the late Old English word hōre, which is of Germanic origin. It is related to Dutch hoer and German Hure, and it shares an Indo-European root with Latin carus, which means 'dear' .

Synonyms: Some synonyms of whore as a noun are sex worker, call girl, courtesan, rent boy, call boy, ho, slag, scrubber, slapper and bike. Some synonyms of whore as a verb are prostitute oneself, sell oneself, pimp oneself out and degrade oneself.

Antonyms: There are no exact antonyms of whore as a noun or a verb. However, some words that have opposite or contrasting meanings are virgin, celibate, chaste, faithful and loyal.

Example sentences: Here are some example sentences using whore as a noun and a verb in different contexts:

- He's a shameless publicity whore who would do anything to get attention.

- She was forced to whore in order to support herself.

- You come across as a complete attention whore who needs constant validation.

- They had whored and drunk like madmen.

- He had never whored after money or fame.

- She was accused of being a whore by her jealous husband.

- He whored himself to the highest bidder.

- She was not a whore but a courtesan who entertained wealthy clients.

- He spent his nights whoring around the city.

- She felt like a whore for sleeping with him for money.

Whore is a word that has many nuances and implications. It can be used to describe someone's profession, behavior or character. It can also be used to insult, degrade or shame someone. It is important to be aware of the context and the tone when using or encountering this word.

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